Doing good by doing well

 Esta semana entregué los Sellos de Calidad eTwinning a cada uno de los  participantes en el proyecto Edgar. Visité las tres aulas en las que este año están distribuidos mi ex-alumnos  y aunque  la celebración fue minimalista y se limitó a la entrega del diploma y de una carta, sin embargo, fue muy  memorable. En la actual situación debemos ser prudentes, la seguridad y la salud son lo prioritario.

Si con   "Juguetes para promover cultura "en 2014 conseguí   mi  primer Sello de Calidad Europeo y el primero para CEIP Rabindranath Tagore, con "Proyecto Edgar" en 2020 consigo el último y cierro mi etapa de eTwinner, una    experiencia muy enriquecedora e inolvidable.

En estos años se han ido sumando compañeras a esta iniciativa europea y hasta la fecha el centro cuenta con cinco sellos de calidad europeos. En 2017 conseguimos ser  eTwinning School , reconocimiento que no me cabe duda se volverá a revalidar  con el trabajo y entusiasmo de las nuevas generaciones de docentes.

Doing good by doing well

Be thankful!

Be thankful for home
Be thankful for food
Be thankful for birds that fly
Be thankful for sleep
Be thankful for flowers
Be thankful for clouds in the sky.
Be thankful for friends
Be thankful for rain
And the rainbows that follow close by.

This isn't just a turkey
As everyone can see,
I made it with my hand
Which is part of me.
It comes with lots of love
Especially to say,
I hope that your
Thanksgiving Day
has been a lot of fun.


Halloween is rapidly approaching, and kids are already getting excited. To get familiar with this cultural tradition, we can visit our virtual class with many surprises to enjoy.

Fun Halloween in our virtual class!

Can you guess who the cat's voice is?

Let's try!

Timetable 2020-21

This week we have started with the regular timetable, we all feel excited because the specialist teachers start classes with us. 
We are studying school matters ( places, people, objects...) and the links introduced in the virtual classroom have new resources to practice these contents. The new Language Assistant Elly joined us last week and we are delighted!

Timetable 1ºA

Welcome back!

I hope you have all enjoyed a fantastic summer holiday. The children have settled in really well this week and are now getting used to their new routines.

Quality in the time of Coronavirus

Another Great Quality Label! Thank you eTwinning! Thank you to all pupils and their parents! Thank you to all partners and particularly to Edgar!
It is always an amazing experience to be awarded by eTwinning, especially this year with so many difficulties.

At last summer holidays!

Here comes summer, here comes the sun!
School is almost out! Oh, happy days!

Enjoy your summer holidays wherever you are, kids!
See you in September!

Kisses and Hugs!

Latest news with Edgar!

As I have told you, Edgar, is already in Germany and as it is normal  at this time of the year, he also has to take exams. He has to make a presentation of all his experiences during these months in which he has visited different schools. He needs to convince a jury of how important his activities with children have been, what we have learned and how much fun we have had.

At the moment I leave you a game to dream of wonderful vacations in the member countries with which we have worked on this project.

Edgar's Diary

15 Edgar plans summer holidays

Tal y como os he contado Edgar ya está en Alemania y como es habitual en estas fechas , también él tiene que realizar exámenes. Tiene que hacer una presentación de todas sus experiencias durante estos meses en los que ha visitado diferentes colegios. Tiene que convencer a un jurado de lo importantes que han sido sus actividades con los niños, lo que hemos aprendido y lo mucho que nos hemos divertido.

De momento os dejo un juego para soñar con vacaciones maravillosas en los países miembros con los que hemos trabajado en este proyecto.

Welcome phase 2 COVID-19!

Social gatherings of up to 15 people are allowed, and there are no restrictions on outdoor activity!



Here comes the sun
Here comes the sun
And I say
It's all right

Little darling
It's been a long cold lonely winter
Little darling
It feels like years since it's been here

Here comes the sun
Here comes the sun
And I say
It's all right

Little darling
The smiles returning to the faces
Little darling
It seems like years since it's been here

Here comes the sun
Here comes the sun
And I say
It's all right

Sun, sun, sun, here it comes
Sun, sun, sun, here it comes
Sun, sun, sun, here it comes
Sun, sun, sun, here it comes
Sun, sun, sun, here it comes

Little darling
I feel that ice is slowly melting
Little darling
It seems like years since it's been clear

Here comes the sun
Here comes the sun
And I say
It's all right

Here comes the sun
Here comes the sun
It's all right
It's all right

World Environment Day!

Each World Environment Day 5th June is organized around a theme that focuses attention on a particularly pressing environmental concern. The theme for 2020 is Biodiversity.

Video and storytelling are in our virtual classroom. Click on the picture and then look for the surprises.

Shall we paint a butterfly on a stone?

Siences with Siena!

On Friday I got this beautiful piece of art by David, and I believe this is a good opportunity to share, especially in this unit about animals.

We are delighted with Siena 's PowerPoint presentation. Read the sentences to review the contents of our unit "Animals" and then, make a very creative mind-map.

Rubrics with Edgar!

A rubric is a set of criteria for students' works that includes descriptions of levels of performance quality on the criteria.

Una rúbrica es un conjunto de criterios para valorar un trabajo y los diferentes niveles de calidad en cada criterio.Esta herramienta de evaluación la vamos a incorporar a nuestras tareas en Teams.

Typing skills!

Keyboard skills, an interactive worksheet by amandahsun

Virtual trip to the jungle!

We have been learning how animals' bodies are covered, how they move, what their limbs are like...and for today we have this beautiful poem.

Jungle Rhyme 

Jungle Rhyme

Monkeys can jump and climb trees
Giraffes are tall and they eat leaves
Parrots are colorful and they can fly
Elephants can’t but would love to try.

Turtles are green and they can swim
Cheetahs can run and they always win

Zebras look like horses but they are black and white
Hippos are big and snore at night. 

Let's explore the jungle!

Mandatory mask-wearing!

According to the ministerial order, published Wednesday in the Official State Gazette (BOE), face masks must be worn in the “public street, in open-air spaces and any closed space that is for public use or that is open to the public, where it is not possible to maintain [an interpersonal] distance” of two meters. The new rules apply to everyone over the age of six.
Click on the picture and watch the video, please!

To know more!!!

Coronavirus, an interactive worksheet by Teachermariangeles

Symbols of Madrid

One of the most celebrated holidays of Madrid is held on May 15, the Feast Day of San Isidro who is the city's patron saint. This year everything is different.
Nevertheless,  we can do something connecting our lesson with a symbol of Madrid.

Vamos a preparar una composición sobre el animal que aparece en el escudo de Madrid. Os dejo un texto que os puede servir de modelo para hacer vuestra composición en la ficha que podéis descargar.


This animal is a   ??? 
It is (vertebrate/invertebrate) because ( it has a backbone/it does not have a backbone). 

It has (2, 4, no) (legs/wings/fins). 

Its body is covered with (a shell/hair/feathers/scales/just skin).

It is a (wild animal/farm animal/pet) because it (lives in freedom/lives on farms/lives with people).

It is a (land/air/water) animal. It can(walk/fly/swim/jump/slither). 

It is a (carnivore/herbivore/omnivore) because it eats (plants/other animals/plants and other animals). 

It is (viviparous/oviparous) because it is born from (it’s mother/an egg).

  • Complete the worksheet with the name of the different elements and make up your writing composition.


Teams with Edgar

The application Teams allows engaging students with virtual face-to-face connections and activities, or set up a remote lunch to keep classrooms connected and having fun. 

Edgar's Diary

14 Teams with Edgar

En la fotografía hacemos click y vemos el video de presentación de nuestro Teams. La situación actual exige nuevas herramientas y Teams, estoy segura, nos permitirá realizar clases virtuales muy interesantes y divertidas.

ICT with Edgar

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is important in Primary Education because of it enables kids to search for the information they need and to organize what they have found. 

COVID-19 is a great moment for learning in a different way. Teachers, parents, and students need access to training and support.

Edgar's Diary

13 ICT with Edgar

La misión "Edgar" fue un éxito y gracias a vuestro trabajo Edgar inició su viaje de regreso a Alemania. Pasó por  Madrid para coger el avión y aprovechó para quedarse unos días en mi casa y contarme sus aventuras.

Con Edgar he preparado algunas cosillas que espero os resulten interesantes.Click on the picture.


Animal Classification II

Animals are living things so they need to eat food. We classify animals into three groups: herbivores, carnivores, and omnivores.

  • Herbivores: herbivores eat plants. They eat different parts of plants such as leaves, roots, and fruit. Herbivores have special teeth to help them cut and chew plants. Deer, cows, and rabbits are herbivores.
  • Carnivores: carnivores eat other animals. They hunt and eat meat. They have sharp teeth and excellent eyesight. Foxes, eagles, and lions are carnivores.
  • Omnivores: omnivores eat plants and other animals. bears and chimpanzees are omnivores.


Animals review, an interactive worksheet by susanansf

Animal Classification I

Animals are classified into different groups based on their characteristics. Invertebrates are animals that do not have a spine or backbone. Vertebrates, on the contrary,  have a backbone.

Vertebrates are classified into fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals.

Now that we have a general idea let's go through English!


Amazing animals by Johannes Stoetter

SONG by Eric Herman

Happy Europe Day

Europe Day on 9 May every year celebrates peace and unity in Europe. To celebrate and remember this day, I offer you a collaborative piece of work I have done with Edgar and a colleague you know very well.

Edgar's Diary

12 Storytelling with Edgar 

Para celebrar y recordar este día tan importante para Europa, os ofrezco el resultado del trabajo colaborativo que he realizado estos días con Edgar y alguien que no puedo desvelar en este momento.

Os puedo dar una pista; con esta persona  vosotros y yo hemos trabajado siempre estupendamente y entre sus pasiones está el fútbol. ¿Quié será la voz misteriosa?

Book titled 'EUROPE'

Read this book made on StoryJumper
Para los que quieren mas información sobre Europa...