Animals and reproduction

We want to know how animals are born.

Oviparous: animals are born from an egg.
Viviparous; animals are born from their mother's body.

Animals and food

Animals are living things so they need to eat food. We classify animals into three groups: herbivores, carnivores, and omnivores.

  • Herbivores: herbivores eat plants. They eat different parts of plants such as leaves, roots, and fruit. Herbivores have special teeth to help them cut and chew plants. Deer, cows, and rabbits are herbivores.
  • Carnivores: carnivores eat other animals. They hunt and eat meat. They have sharp teeth and excellent eyesight. Foxes, eagles, and lions are carnivores.
  • Omnivores: omnivores eat plants and other animals. bears and chimpanzees are omnivores.

Hanami and art


In our continuous discovering places, this time we approach Japan not only because it will soon host the Olympic Games but also because of the cherry blossom festival.


Easter is coming!

Easter is a day when we celebrate new life and have some springtime fun. Chocolate or decorated eggs are one of the most recognizable modern traditions of Easter.

Los huevos de Pascua y los conejos de chocolate forman parte de la tradicción en estas fechas. 

Si yo fuera un conejo de Pascua...

Let's play hop, hop, hop!

We can play Easter Egg Hunt. It's a game during which decorated eggs are hidden for kids to find. 

Happy easter, an interactive worksheet by Arodgal361

Food from plants or animals

Most of our food comes from plants and animals. Can you name food that come from plants and animals?

Let's play a game

Lunch Shop is a service game where players make whatever is pictured, starting with the ingredients at the bottom first. This game should be fun for first to second grade kids


Digital adventure

Our task "The pink bird" is already finished. Let's see how can we send it to the teacher.

Una vez que la tarea requerida  ha sido  realizada, tendremos que enviarla. Los pasos a seguir quedan reflejados en la siguiente  ficha.

Teams, an interactive worksheet by htoor

Do you remember?

Fruits, veggies and Art

During the class kids will explore the boxes with materials and they will create a collage with paper. Paper collage often combines cutting or tearing paper into various shapes with glueing and assembling.

Healthy breakfast

A healthy breakfast every morning is essential for a successful day of learning and growing. Having energy we can perform our best at school (better concentration and productivity) and in sports.

Esta mañana hemos realizado la actividad "Desayuno saludable". Esta experiencia  complementa la unidad didáctica sobre alimentación en la que estamos trabajando. 
El objetivo de la actividad es inculcar en los alumnos hábitos saludables de alimentación y fomentar un buen desayuno.

And you, what do you have for breakfast?

11 February Women and girls in Science


Con el fin de lograr el acceso y la participación plena y equitativa en la ciencia para las

 mujeres y las niñas, y además para lograr la igualdad de género y el empoderamiento de las

 mujeres y las niñas, la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas decide proclamar el 11 de

 febrero como el Día Internacional de la Mujer y la Niña en la Ciencia. 

There is a planet in the sky...

Hay un planeta

Hay un planeta en el cielo

que yo quiero visitar,

en avión o en aeroplano,

o en una nave espacial.

Y vestido de astronauta

hasta allí quiero llegar,

conocer extraterrestres

y el espacio sideral.

Entre luceros y estrellas

a la luna saludar,

y entre los astros del cielo,

saltar, jugar y soñar

 Autora: Marisa Alonso Santamaría

An amazing job!

An amazing story

Let's draw a rocket!!!

Don't forget!

Space, an interactive worksheet by Teacherpoeta

Lunch at school

 Whether at home or at school, lunch is the main mail in Spain and we really enjoy it!

What's on the menu?

Our menu

Do you like....?


Meals of the day

We explore an average day of Spanish meals from breakfast to dinner and we learn from other cultures as well.


 A healthy breakfast every morning is essential for a successful day of learning and growing. Having energy we can perform our best at school (better concentration and productivity) and in sports.

And you, what do you have for breakfast?


Healthy Life


We have started in Natural Science unit 3  " Healthy Bodies ", and in English unit 5 "What do we eat?".

 En los próximos días, los niños aprenderán a:
  • distinguir diferentes tipos de alimentos.
  • diferenciar entre las frutas y las verduras.
  • conocer los alimentos que son sanos.
  • clasificarlos según su origen vegetal o animal y, entre los últimos,    según procedan del cerdo, la vaca o la gallina.
  • identificar las principales comidas del día y relacionarlas con los alimentos que se suelen tomar en ellas.
  • promover hábitos saludables en las comidas.
Let's enjoy this story to start with!

 The story of this tiny and very very hungry caterpillar who spends all week eating anything he pleases until he ends up having a terrible stomachache!

Do you remember?

Healthy Art


Groundhog Day


Every February 2nd, all eyes are on the largest member of the squirrel family, the groundhog. Not surprising – it’s Groundhog Day, the annual holiday that predicts the arrival of spring. Early morning festivals are held across North America to see if the groundhog spots its shadow when it emerges from its burrow. According to tradition, if a groundhog sees its shadow, there will be six weeks more of winter. And if it doesn’t, it’s a sign that an early spring is on the way.

Transports in my city


By land or road, by air or by water! Which is your favourite transportation system?

Mind maps

Una actividad para finalizar la unidad Mi Ciudad-My City es realizar una mapa conceptual o esquema para resaltar las ideas más importantes, relacionarlas y representarlas de una manera creativa que nos facilita el estudio.

Digital Mind Map 

Traffic safety

It's really important to ensure that children have a good understanding of basic street safety when they start walking around the local and city streets without you accompanying them. We cross the roads using the " stop, look, listen and think" process.


Traffic signs, an interactive worksheet by nalapar

When I grow up...

 Farmer, artist, footballer, our pupils decide. They draw themselves in the future, entertaining audiences, saving lives, nurturing minds. Teacher, fireman, bookshop owner, they say; that's what we'll be.

When I grow up, I want to be 


Places and people in the town

 In our lesson, we learn words and phrases related to the town or city; places, buildings, sights and jobs.

Places in the town

People in my town

Can you do it?  

Snowflake art

While very cold outside and our playgrounds still covered with snow, we are very happy to be back to school and eager to make snowflakes inspired by the winter scene. 




Pets are often the first animals that kids have interactions with. In our unit, we will learn and explore these animals. Pets are great but they also come with a lot of responsibility!

Paper dog puppet!


What do we like about animals?

We started another week online by not being able to safely access our school. The snow continues to accompany us.

Making an animal part of the family seems to be something only humans do. The question is, why? What do we like about animals?




Baby animals, una ficha interactiva de inglesgal

Puppy, by Jeff Koons. This amazing dog is made of flowers and it is located on the grounds of the Guggenheim Museum (Bilbao)